Associate Professor
Dr. IMAOKA Keiji
Organization for Research Initiatives, and
Graduate School of Sciences and Technology for Innovation
Brief CV
IMAOKA Keiji received the B.S. degree in physics, M.S. degree in astrophysics, and D.S. degree in Earth and environmental sciences from Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan in 1990, 1992, and 2013, respectively. In 1992, he joined the National Space Development Agency of Japan (NASDA), which is currently the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA). He had worked on satellite remote sensing at the Earth Observation Center until 1995 and the Earth Observation Research Center until 2015. From 1998 to 1999, he visited the Global Hydrology and Climate Center at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center, where he worked on the data analysis of passive microwave radiometers. He had been involved in various satellite projects, including ADEOS, ADEOS-II, EOS Aqua, and GCOM-W. He acted as the Mission Manager for GCOM-W from 2014 to 2015. In 2015, he joined Yamaguchi University. His major research interests are passive microwave radiometry and its application to atmospheric sciences, and he is trying to extend the research fields to infrared, radar, and GNSS sensing with students.
- Data Science and Society II (General Education)
- Basics of Aeronautics (Undergraduate, Faculty of Engineering)
- Basics of Instrumentation (Undergraduate, Faculty of Engineering)
- Satellite Remote sensing (Graduate School, Master Course)
- Sensing and Instrumentation Informatics (Graduate School, Doctor Course)
- Advanced System Design Engineering (Graduate School, Doctor Course)
For students
Research activities are being conducted with the Instrument and Information Engineering Laboratory, Faculty of Engineering. For Master's and Doctoral programs, we can accept students at the Division of Mechanical Engineering (Aerospace and Thermal Engineering Course) and the Division of Systems and Design Engineering (Mechanosystems Design Engineering Course), respectively. For the graduation research, you can join us through the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering. Please contact via e-mail if you are interested in our research.
Current Students
- NOMO Yuya (Digital microwave radiometer with RFI detection/removal function)
- UEKI Kaito (Ship detection and validation by using SAR and AIS)
- MIYATA Hironari (Application of Convolutional LSTM for short-term sea ice prediction)
- UMEZU Yuya (Receiver performance evaluation of low-frequency microwave radiometer)
- TAKATA Kyogo (Reflectance and polarization of plastic waste in VIS/NIR wavelength)
- NAKANO Sota (Lunar subsurface analysis by using infrared and microwave radiometers)
- KAMAKURA Shoka (Comparison between PSInSAR and SBAS)
- HARA Nana (Relationship between ground subsidence derived by PSInSAR and groundwater level)
B3 (by YUSS program with Udayana University)
- Ni Suzeki Sueken (Percent mangrove vegetation cover and Landsat 9 vegetation indices)
Alumni and Alumnae
Master Course
- UEDA Masato (Temporal change estimation of soil moisture content by using Sentinel-½ time series data)
- GIKYU Keita (Survey on tree species classification using time series information from high frequency C-band SAR observations)
- NISHIMURA Mone (Study on observation of paddy rice growth using proximity NDVI measurement)
- UMEZU Yuya (Radiometer sensitivity evaluation of low-frequency microwave receiver)
- TAKATA Kyogo (Reflectance/polarization properties of plastic materials in VIS/NIR wavelength)
- NAKANO Sota (Diurnal analysis of lunar surface brightness temperatures by using infrared and microwave data)
Master Course
- AYABE Koudai (Validation of precipitation area estimates by using time-series of Himawari-8 infrared data with Convolutional LSTM)
- TAKEDA Taiki (Validation of precipitable water estimated by low-cost GNSS receiver system)
- NOMO Yuya (Evaluation of RFI detection methods for microwave radiometers)
- MAEDA Akihiro (Validation of land subsidence around Kando River estimated by PSInSAR)
- UEKI Kaito (Ship detection and validation by using Sentinel-1 and AIS over Suo Sea)
- MIYATA Hironari (Short-term prediction of sea ice concentration in Okhotsk Sea by using Convolutional LSTM)
- Sapkota BINOD (Study on temporal changes in surface area of Phewa Lake, Nepal, using satellite image thresholding technique)
Master Course
- NORITOMI Ryu (Performance evaluation in estimating zenith total delay by using cost-effective GNSS receiver system)
- YOSHINO Makoto (Improvement of elevation-dependent atmospheric delay correction in interferometric SAR)
- UEDA Masato (Evaluation of C-band SAR backscattering coefficients and soil water index over Akiyoshidai)
- GIKYU Keita (Evaluation of seasonal changes of C-band SAR backscattering coefficients over land covers and its application for forest classification)
- NISHIMURA Mone (Analyses of satellite data for seasonal changes of paddy field and growing lowland weed)
Master Course
- OTSUBO Hiroki (Development of precipitable water retrieval algorithm from Himawari-8/AHI)
- MITSUSHIO Outa (Research on fishing ground formation using satellite and ocean assimilation data)
- AYABE Koudai (Effect of time-series information in rain area classification by using Himawari-8 data)
- TAKEDA Taiki (Effect of multi-GNSS data utilization in estimating precipitable water)
- MAEDA Akihiro (Response evaluation of SAR measurements to seasonal vegetation changes over Akiyoshidai)
Dissertation Doctor (JSPS RONPAKU program lead by Professor OGAWARA Kakuji)
- Abd. Rahman As-Shakur (Study on spatio-temporal variabilities of Indonesian rainfall using TRMM Multi-Satellite Precipitation Analysis data)
Master Course
- AOTO Ryota (Phase correction in time-series InSAR processing by using GNSS data)
- KISHIDA Yuko (Rain/no-rain classification by using Himawari-8/AHI data with CNN)
- NORITOMI Ryu (Precipitable water retrieval by using GNSS data with RTKLIB)
- YOSHINO Makoto (Altitude-dependent phase correction in InSAR with JRA-55)
- Undergraduate
- OTSUBO Hiroki (Precipitable water retrieval from Himawari-8/AHI data)
- MITSUSHIO Outa (Application of MODIS chlorophyll-a concentration for fishery)
- Sharon Ludai Anak Sigat (Analysis of brightness temperature diurnal variation in Japan area by using Himawari-8 thermal infrared band)
Master Course (Udayana University double-degree program)
- Khanpanya Thanarporn(Sea surface salinity variation in South China Sea derived by Aquarius and SMAP)
- AOTO Ryota (Subsidence in Chiba Prefecture detected by time-series InSAR)
- KISHIDA Yuko (Time-variation analysis of cloud systems by Himawari-8)
- Undergraduate
- UEMURA Daisuke (Subsidence in Chiba Prefecture detected by InSAR stacking)
- YONEMORI Wataru (Estimation of solar radiation with SVR by using Himawari-8 data)
- Undergraduate
- KUMAGAI Kento (Estimation of solar radiation with SVR by using MODIS data)